Nik Spyratos

Straightforward web products for startups and scaleups.

My focus is on delivering dead-simple applications to you and your customers.

You don't need a mega-scalable behemoth by an agency with a 20-person ops team when you have 10 users.

You need a functional (but not ancient-looking) and structured way to handle and automate your business process, to help your customers and staff do more with less effort & time.

What can I do for you

You are a founder, SME business owner, or investor...: order to:

...and are sick of:

The "secret" sauce

Nothing to hide here; no proprietary tech. I can tell you how it's made.

I use the following tech in nearly every project:

About me

I've been building business-oriented web apps for almost a decade. I've worked in many industries from e-commerce, to fintech, to vehicle auctions and beyond.

I've done this for varying business sizes, from handfuls of staff to 200 person strong scale-ups.

I accomplish this with constant learning and deep connections within my local tech communities, as a member and leader.

Sounds good? Let's start

How I work best

Everyone has their own preferences. I like to be up front about mine, so let's see if we fit well:


For new projects, I offer a fixed price on a fixed scope.

For ongoing work and maintenance, I offer a fixed retainer for a set percentage of my availability.

More info

To find out more about me and how I think & work, have a look around this website.