Nik Spyratos

I'm no shiny hunter! Don't care about rarity, just not breaking my wallet 🥲

Seeking these as much as my budget will allow.

ygo wanted list 25 sep 24

1 2 3
- Bystial Dis Pater x1
- Lubellion x3
- Druiswurm x1
- Saronir x2
- Trident Dragion x1
- Samurai Destroyer x1
- Cosmic Blazar Dragon x1
- Chaos Angel x1
- Draco Berseker of the Tenyi x1
- F.A. Dawn Dragster x1
- Virtual World Kyubi - Shenshen x1
Hand traps
- Ghost Sister & Spooky Dogwood x1
- Ghost Mourner & Moonlit Chill x1
- Dinowrestler Pankratops x1
- Extra sets of anything else are useful!
Other Monsters
- PSY-Framegear Gamma x1
- PSY-Framegear Driver x1
- Dragon Rulers: Tidal x3, Redox x1
- Dragon Ruler Babies x3 each: Stream, Reactan, Lightning
- Kashtira: Fenrir & Unicorn x3
- Snake-eyes: Poplar x1, Flamberge x2
- Void Apocalypse x3
- Upstart Goblin x3
- Snatch Steal x1
- Gold Sarcophagus x1
- Triple Tactics Talent x2
- Forbidden Droplet x3
- Super poly x3
- Necrovalley x1
- Summon Breaker x1
- Chicken Game x1
- Way where there's a will x1
- Mind Control x3
- Breakthrough Skill x2
- Sacred Sword of Seven Stars x3
Fire Fist
- Rooster x3
- Horse Prince x1
- Tiger King x1
- Lion Emperor x1
- Kirin x1
- Eagle x2
- Hawk x1
- Ingen x3
Edison monsters
- Machina Fortress x2
- Machina Gearframe x2
- Plaguespreader Zombie x1
- Spirit Reaper x1
- D.D Warrior Lady x1
- Neo-Spacian Grand Mole x1
- Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind x1
- Caius the Shadow Monarch x1
- Gorz the Emissary of Darkness x2
Edison Spells/Traps
- Solidarity x3
- Heavy Storm x1
- Hammer Shot x3
- Smashing Ground x3
- Dark Bribe x3
- Nobleman of Crossout x3
- Compulsory Evacuation Device x3
- Royal Oppression x2
- Ultimate Offering x2
- Trap Dustshoot x1
- Trap Stun x2
Edison Extra Deck
- Chimeratech Fortress Dragon x1
- Colossal Fighter x1
- Dark End Dragon x1
- X-Saber Urbellum x1
- Goyo Guardian x1
- Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier x1
- Flamvell Urquaza x1
- Magical Android x1