I'm no shiny hunter! Don't care about rarity, just not breaking my wallet 🥲
Seeking these as much as my budget will allow. Listed top down in order of priority
- Genroku 1x
Resonator/Red Dragon Archfiend Stuff
- Earthbound Prisoner stone sweeper x3
- Bystial Magnamhut
- Bystial Lubellion x3
- Bystial Druiswurm x1
- Bystial Saronir x2
- Trudea
- Primera
- Legatia
- Auxila
- Stand up
- Bonds
- Emblema x3
Snake eyes
- Poplar 1x
- Flamberge 2x
- Kashtira Fenrir x3
- Kashtira Unicorn x3
Hand traps
- Nibiru x3
- Ghost Sister & Spooky Dogwood x2
- Ghost Mourner & Moonlit Chill x3
- Mudragon of the Swamp
- Garura, Wings of Resonant Life
- Black Rose Moonlight Dragon
- Ruddy Rose Dragon
- Odd-eyes Meteorburst Dragon
- Trident Dragion
- Samurai Destroyer
- Bystial Dis Pater
- Void Ogre Dragon
- Ultimaya Tzolkin
- Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon
- Black-Winged Dragon
- Cosmic Blazar Dragon
- hieratic seal
- Salamangreat raging phoenix
- Promethean Princess
- Zealantis
- Crossout designator x3
- Heavy Storm
- Triple Tactics Talent x2
- Power Filter x2
- Lightning Storm x2
- Forbidden Droplet x3
- Heat Wave x3
- Pot of Prosperity
- Branded Regained
- Necrovalley
- Dragon Ravine
- Summon Breaker
- Chicken Game
- Super poly
- Set rotation
- Way where there's a will
Nostalgia stuff
- Fire Fists (any and all)
- Machina Gadget
- Deskbots